What is the Wumpus World Problem?
The Wumpus World is a computer generated 4x4 grid of squares. The goal is to find the gold, which is located in one of the squares, and return it to the home square. Although this may sound simple, the world is laden with pits and a vicious Wumpus, which must be avoided. The robot must use deductive reasoning to determine which squares are safe to enter and which are not. Every world generated is solvable using logic, and no worlds require guessing.
Not all squares have an item, and no squares have more than one item. When the robot is adjacent to a square with a pit, the robot feels the breeze coming from the pit and is sent a signal with this information. When the robot is adjacent to a square with the Wumpus, the robot "smells" the Wumpus' stench, and when adjacent to the gold, the robot will "see" the glitter. However, the robot does not know which direction any of these inputs are coming from, which is why the robot must use deductive reasoning to figure that out. Additionally, when the robot is next to multiple pits, it receives the same input as if it were near only one pit; that is, more pits do not result in a stronger breeze. Entering a square with a pit or the Wumpus will result in the robot's death. Also, the robot is given one arrow with which it can "kill" the Wumpus if it faces the direction of the Wumpus while in an adjacent square and gives a signal that it fired.