November 14
Today we began the project. We decided that Cedric would build the robot, Adelin would be the programmer, and Francis is tasked with building the website. We began construction of the robot. So far, most of the robot has been built, and we anticipate it will be completed next class. To the right are pictures of the robot as of the end of the first day. Adelin downloaded the software and set up the software needed to program the robot.
November 18
Today we completed the construction of the robot. We had to fix the fact that the battery was inaccessible due to the chassis of the robot being in the way by slightly modifying the chassis. We also started working on the algorithm to solve the Wumpus world problem. We fleshed out the algorithm on paper without any code so far.

The robot's new chassis, with enough room to remove the battery
November 21
We started writing actual code from the algorithm that Adelin worked on from the previous meetings. There is no movement code yet, just the code for having the robot figure out where to go and keep track of input for each square.
November 25
We now have a function logic function which allows the robot to determine where pits, the Wumpus, and gold are. The code is based on input it gets and stores for each square it visits. We also started working on movement code to make the robot turn right and left and move forward and backward using the sensors. We had the movement functioning perfectly by the end of the meeting.
December 5
Finally!!!!! We merged the movement code and the logic code and tried having the robot solve some of the sample Wumpus worlds. Problems came up as the robot would sometimes get stuck and keep moving back and forth between two squares or incorrectly identify the location of pits, the Wumpus, or gold.
December 6
We fixed some of the logic that made the robot get stuck sometimes and added further improvements and refinements to the logic.
December 9
Competition Night! We tried optimizing the code even more by writing a path finding function but didn't have the time to complete it. However, Fred was successful and solved all three boards assigned to him.
Let's Go FRED!!!!!!!